Tuesday, March 17, 2009


I noticed I haven't posted anything since July 2008. There are reasons that's keeping me from doing any updates. Randy and I started gutting down the 2nd floor of our home since it's an old house. First floor was almost completed when we both moved in just before Xmas of 2007. Things were slowed down for a while so extra money could be saved til my father decided to get going again. Throughout fall and winter, the guys put in so many hours foam insulating, sheet rocking, plastering, painting, electrical trimming at this point. Last will be the carpets. Randy and I are getting excited about it!

It was quite tiring for us because all we seem to do is work, eat and sleep then back to the same cycle. Even on the weekends, I would get called in or be asked to run down to Lowes or Home Depot to get something for my dad or things we need for the 2nd floor like ceiling fans, lights and so forth. We're definitely ready for the spring-like weather to do a massive clean up outside since there's sheetrock and plaster all over the place. Then we hope to do more together this summer with camping, fishing, kayaking, biking and so forth... anything we can get our hands on to this summer.

Hopefully I'll get around to do more updates


Sarah said...

Move your post to wordpress.. :-p